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This example uses Terraform to configure the Fruit Store challenge.

resource "kubernetes_manifest" "klodd_fruit_store" {
  manifest = {
    apiVersion = ""
    kind       = "Challenge"
    metadata = {
      name      = "fruit-store"
      namespace = "ctf-system" # (1)
    spec = {
      name    = "Fruit Store"
      timeout = 60000
      pods = [
          name = "app"
          ports = [
              port = 3000
          spec = {
            containers = [
                name  = "main"
                image = "fruit-store:latest"
                resources = {
                  requests = {
                    memory = "100Mi"
                    cpu    = "75m"
                  limits = {
                    memory = "250Mi"
                    cpu    = "100m"
            automountServiceAccountToken = false
      expose = {
        kind = "http"
        pod  = "app"
        port = 3000
  1. Any namespace is fine.